Removing Hard Water Deposits [video] Do you have hard water deposits on your faucet or shower head? Watch this…
Fireplaces – The Magic and the Mystery
While fireplaces are no longer used as the primary source for heating homes, there are…
Jumping Jack Frost – A Winter Tune-up Treatise
One of the great joys of living in Canada is the change of seasons. Autumn’s…
When Your Ant Comes To Visit
Mistaken Identity Carpenter Ants should not be confused with termites. Termites are white in color…
Synthetic Stucco Raises Some Concerns
With Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation, most of us pronounce it “you-fee” but some insisted on…
In Search of The Perfect House
The engineers of Carson Dunlop & Associates Ltd. have conducted over 85,000 home inspections and…
Priority Maintenance for Home Buyers
There are so many home maintenance and repair items that are important; it can be…
Undertaking a Home Repair
Let’s start by differentiating between a home improvement and a home repair. A home improvement,…
Mould – What it is and what to do about it
Mold has received considerable media attention recently, as though this were a new problem. While…
Re-thinking Solutions to Ice Damming
As autumn approaches, leaves and temperatures are dropping. To the delight ofskiers everywhere, snow will…